Category: Wisdom

Healing Pain Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg

PART 2 ARTICLE 10 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ After you have gone to your doctor, explored all possible physical causes, and followed every recommended treatment plan for your pain or symptoms, it is time to delve deeper into where healing, not just curing, occurs.  This is especially important for those whose symptoms persist and…
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Resilience and the Rose

PART 2 ARTICLE 5 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Just look at that rose! This photo was taken in early December after enduring four frosts, a few wintry, wind-driven rainstorms, and a full year of breathtaking beauty through spring, summer, and fall. Of the hundreds that grace my tiny yard each year, she was the…
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The Neurophysiology of Inner Being. De-wooing the Woo-woo.

PART 2 ARTICLE 3 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Many readers will find it reassuring to know that there is a tangible, physiological foundation for the experience I call inner being. My aim in writing Swimming Beneath the Iceberg describes the wealth of information stored within the subconscious mind and how to access it.  The…
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Misunderstanding Medicine… Lynn’s Legacy and Her Final Wish

PART 2 ARTICLE 1 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ In 1999, my friend Lynn was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a diagnosis that turned her world upside down. Yet, Lynn, with her iron will and determination, faced this illness just as she had faced life: head-on. She embodied a strong, unwavering personality and was always in…
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Reverie and Wisdom of the Aging Brain – Sheets of Rain

PART 2 ARTICLE 7 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ It’s a late September morning, pouring rain, and cold. Stepping into my car after a 20-second walk that drenched me completely, I turned on the heat, settling into the warmth, and was greeted by music — my most constant and beloved companion. In that moment, I…
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Lost… Grace in Adversity – Embracing Spontaneous Contemplative Experiences

PART 1 ARTICLE 14 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ When life hands us a profound loss — be it illness, divorce, death, or the suffering of a loved one — we can find ourselves feeling completely unmoored. This is not like getting lost on a familiar route; it’s as if our entire world has been…
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Mindfulness and Presence… Zen and the Two Barking Terrorists

PART 1 ARTICLE 12 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ As Ben and Gerri nap on my lap after a long dog day, I wonder:   What are their thoughts? What do they dream about? Do they know their sacred life’s purpose?   Reverie gently blends into a dream as I, too, drift off… Ben speaks first, “I…
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Aging and the Freedom to Wonder and Wander… The Road Not Taken

PART 1 ARTICLE 11 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ No, I will not be channeling my inner Robert Frost, though, God knows, it may well morph into some flowery poetic expression by the time I finish.  Today, I’m reflecting on those countless moments when I’ve missed my destination exit, only to find myself headed to…
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A Soulmate and the Healing Power of Unconditional Love… My One True Friend

PART 1 ARTICLE 10 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ I hope this piece evokes memories of someone who offered you unconditional love, a true friend who became a hero in your life, shaping who you are today. Reflecting on such a person fills the heart with peace and affirms the incredible healing power of human…
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Breakups in Search of Self… A Tribute to Big Al

PART 1 ARTICLE 3 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Who could have predicted that a teenage marriage, lasting only four years, would become one of the most transformative gifts of my life? Al, my first husband, left a legacy of wisdom that changed me forever, and for that, I am deeply grateful. Just yesterday, while…
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