Category: Philosophy

Contemplating Afterlife

PART 2 ARTICLE 9 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ This past year, I have lost several close friends and shared in the grief of others who have endured profound losses, including life-threatening diagnoses, the passing of their spouses, or, most heartbreakingly, their children. At my age of 72 and beyond, such losses are expected, yet…
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Election Day – The Morning After

PART 3 ARTICLE 1 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ We live in a democracy for which I am so grateful.  The outcome of all elections makes clear the will of the majority of our citizens. Whether we like it or not, acceptance of this reality is our only choice.  This does not mean we have…
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The Neurophysiology of Inner Being. De-wooing the Woo-woo.

PART 2 ARTICLE 3 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Many readers will find it reassuring to know that there is a tangible, physiological foundation for the experience I call inner being. My aim in writing Swimming Beneath the Iceberg describes the wealth of information stored within the subconscious mind and how to access it.  The…
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Buddhist Wisdom for the Bad Times… Enlightenment from Darkness

PART 1 ARTICLE 24 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Buddhist philosophy may seem dense and complex but simplifying it has helped me understand and apply its teachings to daily life. Fundamentally, Buddhism is not a religion, nor is the Buddha a god.  Buddhism offers a transformative way of viewing life that fosters love, peace, and…
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Healing a Hate-Filled World …

PART 1 ARTICLE 22 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ In a world troubled by division, in a previous article, I reflected on the need to heal by contributing love to transform negative energy.  I stand by that statement, but I realize it only addresses part of the challenge.  As a liberal, I resonate deeply with…
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Healing the World with Love…Small Acts Make a Big Difference

PART 1 ARTICLE 21 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ As I look at the world today, I, like so many others, feel overwhelmed by negativity and hate. The question of what I can do to make things better lingers. Yes, I can vote, and I will — but surely, more can be done to spread…
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Lost… Grace in Adversity – Embracing Spontaneous Contemplative Experiences

PART 1 ARTICLE 14 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ When life hands us a profound loss — be it illness, divorce, death, or the suffering of a loved one — we can find ourselves feeling completely unmoored. This is not like getting lost on a familiar route; it’s as if our entire world has been…
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Aging and the Freedom to Wonder and Wander… The Road Not Taken

PART 1 ARTICLE 11 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ No, I will not be channeling my inner Robert Frost, though, God knows, it may well morph into some flowery poetic expression by the time I finish.  Today, I’m reflecting on those countless moments when I’ve missed my destination exit, only to find myself headed to…
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Introduction to Life, Death, Love, Loss, and a Raucous Good Time

PART 1 ARTICLE 1 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Lessons Learned from Life as It Is, Not as We Wish It Would Be We all wish for lives of boundless joy, devoid of suffering, filled only with love and light. But life, in truth, encompasses death, love, loss, and every shade in between. Tragedy strikes…
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