Category: Western-Medicine

Healing Pain Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg

PART 2 ARTICLE 10 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ After you have gone to your doctor, explored all possible physical causes, and followed every recommended treatment plan for your pain or symptoms, it is time to delve deeper into where healing, not just curing, occurs.  This is especially important for those whose symptoms persist and…
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Healing our Country: Healthcare

PART 3 ARTICLE 4 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Why bother to heal a country, seemingly irreparably damaged?  Where does one possibly begin? One person, one issue at a time. Healthcare has been getting worse year by year. I couldn’t bear it 10 years ago when I retired and had been tortured by the obscene…
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Healing Beyond Western Medicine

PART 2 ARTICLE 2 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ We often hear that humans use only a small portion of their brains. Modern imaging techniques like fMRIs and PET scans show the entire brain is active, even during sleep. However, these scans only reveal the physical brain, the tangible mass of cells. They overlook the…
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Misunderstanding Medicine… Lynn’s Legacy and Her Final Wish

PART 2 ARTICLE 1 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ In 1999, my friend Lynn was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a diagnosis that turned her world upside down. Yet, Lynn, with her iron will and determination, faced this illness just as she had faced life: head-on. She embodied a strong, unwavering personality and was always in…
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Human Bodies and Inner Wisdom… Who are we, really?

PART 1 ARTICLE 2 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ The human body is a marvel beyond imagination. With eyes that see, ears that hear, legs that carry us, and lungs that take in refreshing breaths, the body’s functions are astounding. Eating and drinking nourish and bring daily joy, while the heart tirelessly pumps oxygen to…
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Introduction to Life, Death, Love, Loss, and a Raucous Good Time

PART 1 ARTICLE 1 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Lessons Learned from Life as It Is, Not as We Wish It Would Be We all wish for lives of boundless joy, devoid of suffering, filled only with love and light. But life, in truth, encompasses death, love, loss, and every shade in between. Tragedy strikes…
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