As I look at the world today, I, like so many others, feel overwhelmed by negativity and hate. The question of what I can do to make things better lingers. Yes, I can vote, and I will — but surely, more can be done to spread positivity, healing and love. As we navigate these turbulent times, the power of kindness and love, in my mind, offers the only way forward.
Today, both political and social discourse are consumed by hostility. But anger and hatred have failed us repeatedly. Protests and demonstrations are vital expressions of democracy. We’re fortunate to have them, but in these hate-filled times, it’s hard to see where these efforts are leading. Instead of inspiring positive change, protests — however well-intentioned — often fuel more anger and hatred. And that’s the last thing we need.

As a proud peaceful protestor during the Vietnam war, I feel that it made a real difference. But when the, movement turned against returning veterans, I was done! When peace and love gave way to anger and hatred, the cause lost its soul.
Modern protests, filled with rage toward the opposition, lack the nonviolent wisdom of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., whose messages of peace and unity transcended anger. Real change requires transformative love. Hate and anger will not heal our divisions or bring about the harmony we so desperately need.
The Cycle of Anger and Hatred
Anger is a natural response to injustice, cruelty, and greed. History is filled with moments when oppressive policies resurfaced, reminding us of humanity’s darkest chapters. Right now, we appear to be repeating history. Both sides of the political spectrum sense danger but disagree as to its cause. But hatred and violence have failed us and threaten to tear our country and the world apart.
Of course, we must also recognize that greed and power struggles, fuel much of this division, keeping members of society locked in cycles of resentment against one another, rather than recognizing the actual perpetrators of our discontent.
Choosing Love as the Path Forward
Spiritual leaders like Jesus, Buddha, and others — independent of the distortions of organized religion —have always taught that love is the answer. Yet this simple idea hasn’t taken hold. Do I believe I alone can change things? Of course not, one person cannot fix everything, but by choosing kindness, each of us contributes to shifting our collective energy to compassion; that alone will save us.

If not us, who? If not now, when?

Shifting the World’s Energy
The energy we bring into the world shapes how we experience it. The natural world contributes to life’s richness. But humans, often driven by politics and greed, upset the balance. Right now, the world’s energy is overwhelmed by darkness. Hatred and anger are devouring the light of love.
When we engage with the world through kindness, even small acts of empathy and compassion can spark a positive ripple effect. Whether it’s volunteering, creating art, or simply smiling at a stranger, our actions have more reach than we realize. Each intentional act to spread love disrupts the prevailing darkness, contributing to the light the world so desperately needs.
Everything we do and say impacts the world’s energy. It’s not about the specific actions we take, but the intention behind them. What matters is that our actions are grounded in love and aligned with life’s purpose.
Even small acts of kindness can create positive change, touching lives far beyond our own. As a Chinese proverb states, “The flapping of a butterfly’s wings can be felt on the other side of the world.”
The Power of Love and Purpose
Some may dismiss all this love talk as idealistic, impractical or just silly drivel. But the truth is, focusing on love transforms us. This transformation is felt by those around us and ripples outward more than we can imagine.
Doing nothing guarantees that nothing will improve or just continue to get worse. The choice is yours. Kindness is free, takes little time, and can accomplish more than you’ll ever know.
Finding life’s purpose can be a profound journey. As a child, 4 or 5 years old, I would visit elderly neighbors. They seemed to enjoy it and that brought me joy. Maybe I was seeking love I didn’t feel at home. However, they set me on a lifelong dedication to love and empathy. As a child, connecting with others filled my heart and became a purpose that shaped my life. Leaving with a pocketful of candy didn’t hurt either! But today, I know that sharing love isn’t just a goal; it’s what brings me true joy and fulfillment.

For me, there is no such thing as too many friends or too much love. My career choices and writing are ways to deliver a life’s purpose that has given me joy and my life meaning from a very early age. I am so thankful for this.
Of course, like everyone else, I’ve had moments of judgment frustration and anger. But those moments never brought me joy, not for one second. Negativity never leads to peace, yet we live in a world consumed by it.
Your life’s purpose is something you’re good at and something you love. Sharing that with the world benefits everyone—especially you. Helping others gives you perspective on your own struggles. Spreading love benefits everyone.
Conclusion: A Call to Love and Purpose
Spreading positivity and living with purpose is essential. Together, by embracing love, we can make a difference. When we infuse our actions with compassion and work toward our unique callings, we each contribute to healing in the world. By sharing love and living your life’s purpose, you can help move us all from darkness into light.
With love, healing, and a peaceful heart, you can make a difference.