Tag: spirituality

The Writing Journey

PART 2 ARTICLE 8 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Writing or journaling is one way to connect with the deeper, nonphysical part of ourselves, where answers about who we really are reside. The self-knowledge that this practice encourages is helpful for both self-healing and discovering meaning in life. Somehow, giving concrete expression to our thoughts…
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The Neurophysiology of Inner Being. De-wooing the Woo-woo.

PART 2 ARTICLE 3 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Many readers will find it reassuring to know that there is a tangible, physiological foundation for the experience I call inner being. My aim in writing Swimming Beneath the Iceberg describes the wealth of information stored within the subconscious mind and how to access it.  The…
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Healing Beyond Western Medicine

PART 2 ARTICLE 2 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ We often hear that humans use only a small portion of their brains. Modern imaging techniques like fMRIs and PET scans show the entire brain is active, even during sleep. However, these scans only reveal the physical brain, the tangible mass of cells. They overlook the…
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Misunderstanding Medicine… Lynn’s Legacy and Her Final Wish

PART 2 ARTICLE 1 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ In 1999, my friend Lynn was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a diagnosis that turned her world upside down. Yet, Lynn, with her iron will and determination, faced this illness just as she had faced life: head-on. She embodied a strong, unwavering personality and was always in…
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Buddhist Wisdom for the Bad Times… Enlightenment from Darkness

PART 1 ARTICLE 24 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Buddhist philosophy may seem dense and complex but simplifying it has helped me understand and apply its teachings to daily life. Fundamentally, Buddhism is not a religion, nor is the Buddha a god.  Buddhism offers a transformative way of viewing life that fosters love, peace, and…
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Lost… Grace in Adversity – Embracing Spontaneous Contemplative Experiences

PART 1 ARTICLE 14 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ When life hands us a profound loss — be it illness, divorce, death, or the suffering of a loved one — we can find ourselves feeling completely unmoored. This is not like getting lost on a familiar route; it’s as if our entire world has been…
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Love and Connection at the End of Life… Older Sister

PART 1 ARTICLE 8 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Nearly 20 years ago, I witnessed my father in the last chapter of his life, finding comfort only in his recliner each night. Watching him, I marveled at the realities of aging — the ways our bodies, worn down by aches, pains, and breathing troubles, change…
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The Sorrow of Patriotism Divided – July Fourth with Ben and Gerri

PART 1 ARTICLE 7 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ In my neighborhood, fireworks light up the sky for an entire week surrounding the Fourth of July. I can appreciate the fun and joy in it, and I would never interfere with anyone’s choice to celebrate. Living near the water, I’m fortunate to have a beautiful…
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Not Good Enough… Finding Ella

PART 1 ARTICLE 5 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ This AI-generated image shows a version of me with smooth skin, no wrinkles, no double chin, and free from dark circles. Playing with AI was fun at first — merging my face onto different bodies, young and old. But this particular image struck a chord. Would…
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The Everlasting Human Need For Unconditional Love!

PART 1 ARTICLE 4 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ Reflecting on our families of origin, we’re often filled with a mix of love, joy, and cherished childhood memories, and inevitable feelings of disappointment and sorrow. These family dynamics shape us profoundly, leaving deep imprints on our emotional expectations and perspectives on unconditional love. At first,…
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