Tag: aging

Reverie and Wisdom of the Aging Brain – Sheets of Rain

PART 2 ARTICLE 7 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ It’s a late September morning, pouring rain, and cold. Stepping into my car after a 20-second walk that drenched me completely, I turned on the heat, settling into the warmth, and was greeted by music — my most constant and beloved companion. In that moment, I…
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Aging and the Freedom to Wonder and Wander… The Road Not Taken

PART 1 ARTICLE 11 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ No, I will not be channeling my inner Robert Frost, though, God knows, it may well morph into some flowery poetic expression by the time I finish.  Today, I’m reflecting on those countless moments when I’ve missed my destination exit, only to find myself headed to…
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Not Good Enough… Finding Ella

PART 1 ARTICLE 5 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ This AI-generated image shows a version of me with smooth skin, no wrinkles, no double chin, and free from dark circles. Playing with AI was fun at first — merging my face onto different bodies, young and old. But this particular image struck a chord. Would…
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