Fun: A Straight Shot to Connection, Love, and Well-being… A Raucous Good Time


Much like the food pyramid, I’ve devised a “life pyramid” to encompass essential elements: air, water, food, love, purpose, meaning and fun. Why does fun rank so highly on my list? Because it directly impacts our mental and emotional health, making life easier and more joyful. Fun softens the hard times and transforms the good times into truly unforgettable moments. When you see someone with whom you regularly share laughter, joy comes naturally before a word is spoken. Fun is an invitation to connection, inviting everyone around us to join in, often with just a smile.

The more fun we have, the more open we become. Openness welcomes deeper love, emotional connection, and yes, even more fun. It’s contagious. Fun and laughter open our hearts, soothing the ego and giving us a much-needed escape from life’s stressors.

Laughter and Health Benefits

Laughter, especially the raucous kind, benefits health in tangible ways. It sends oxygen-rich blood to the brain, reducing the risk of cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, and depression. Laughter stimulates endorphins and serotonin, the body’s natural painkillers and antidepressants, which help relieve pain, alleviate stress, lift our mood, and provide calm. The more we laugh, the healthier and happier we become—even just imagining laughter can improve our mood, though nothing beats the real thing!

A Lifetime of Joyful Connections

Laughter bonds us to others, forging human connections that last a lifetime. My childhood friends and I, despite our ages, still share belly laughs whenever we reunite. The joy in these friendships is the best therapy I know; laughter’s transformative power deepens our relationships and brings us back to our core.

One friend from my teenage years, Gerry, could make me laugh simply by making eye contact. Our shared laughter wasn’t about being funny—it was about pure joy in each other’s presence. The same goes for Jack, my junior prom date, who spent the night arm-wrestling with me.  Laughter, not romance, defined that relationship!  I still laugh thinking of how I sprayed Coke across the table, dressed in a pink gown for this supposedly “grown-up” evening.  The image of my queen’s court tiara hanging off the side of my head at the end of that night still makes us chuckle.   Even though the night didn’t end in romance, the shared fun created a lifelong connection. Those memories—and others like them—keep our bonds strong and our hearts open.

Laughter as the Ultimate Therapy

My time working in mental health revealed the power of laughter in therapy. My colleague Bob Whitney and I worked with patients in my day treatment program, connecting with them through humor and shared experiences. Instead of relying solely on traditional methods, we kept them in the community rather than the state hospital with fun and laughter not only at the center, but at diners, bars and anywhere else they chose to hang out.   It became clear that human connection and fun was far more therapeutic than conventional psychotherapeutic methods, especially with this population. 

Friendships Forged Through Fun

Fun has also been transformative in my career. In medical school, I connected with Kevin, who shared my love of fun and shenanigans. Laughter got me through school, lightening our study sessions and creating memories I’ll never forget.

 Later, when I faced the challenge of being a full-time caregiver, I gave up on my retirement dreams of travel.  Kevin, in a move of tough love said, “If you don’t live your life and travel, it’s your own God damn fault!  He then called his travel agent and told her to add me to the list of friends traveling to France four months later.  But Kevin, I said, how will I do that with my life being what it is now?  He said, quite harshly, figure it out.  And I did!

It was Kevin who reminded me of the necessity to keep fun and joy in my life, no matter what else was going on. I can’t thank him enough. Since then, I’ve traveled with my friend Andria all over the world, laughing every step of the way.  

In Antigua, the floating Kon-Tiki Bar and Grill, is my home for dancing, laughing and forging human connections with people from around the world.  I celebrated my 71st birthday there with dancing, loud music, and uproarious laughter.  That day will never be forgotten.

As the manager of my daughter Sarah’s soccer teams, my car was always filled with teenage girls. Their spirits were so alive and fun that uncontrollable laughter often drowned out the music blasting from the radio.

One day, I had to pull into a mall parking lot because the tears of laughter blinded me. A police officer followed, probably thinking I was drunk. But after seeing the car full of hysterical teenagers, he just smiled and walked away.

Moments like these still fill me with irrepressible joy. Fun, laughter, and human connection make life worth living. Even as a little old lady, I find human connection everywhere! It’s not just important—it’s essential. Laughter and fun connect us in the healthiest, most loving ways. They get us through the dark times and make the bright days even brighter.

Whether it’s dancing at the floating Kon-Tiki bar in Antigua, laughing in cathedrals with friends, or sharing hysterical moments with my daughter’s soccer team, fun has been a cornerstone of my life. These memories remind me that joy, laughter, and connection are essential to a life well-lived.

The Fun of Life

Moments of shared fun make life worth living. As I reflect on the role of fun in my journey, I see that it has been more than just enjoyment; it’s been a path to healing, connection, and fulfillment.

From medical school to motherhood, fun and laughter have lifted me, strengthened my relationships, and shown me that life’s challenges can be met with joy. Fun may be the quickest route to human connection and love, proving that sometimes the best therapy is as simple as a good laugh with a dear friend.

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