Tag: wisdom

Reverie and Wisdom of the Aging Brain – Sheets of Rain

PART 2 ARTICLE 7 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ It’s a late September morning, pouring rain, and cold. Stepping into my car after a 20-second walk that drenched me completely, I turned on the heat, settling into the warmth, and was greeted by music — my most constant and beloved companion. In that moment, I…
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Human Bodies and Inner Wisdom… Who are we, really?

PART 1 ARTICLE 2 AUDIO FILE IN FOOTER ♫ The human body is a marvel beyond imagination. With eyes that see, ears that hear, legs that carry us, and lungs that take in refreshing breaths, the body’s functions are astounding. Eating and drinking nourish and bring daily joy, while the heart tirelessly pumps oxygen to…
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