Grieving the Loss of Integrity


Sitting here on yet another somber and frightening day, I find myself at a loss. I believe with all my heart that every human being possesses a core of pure love, the most precious gift humanity has ever been given. Within this place resides a profound truth: the only way to achieve peace and true happiness is by living our lives guided by this love.

Yet here we are, with much of humanity either unaware or willfully ignorant of our true purpose on this planet. That purpose, simple yet profound, is to love one another, to recognize our interconnectedness, and to understand that the well-being of all is the only source of lasting meaning and joy.

Willful ignorance, however, is a conscious decision to avoid facing the moral implications or dangers of a situation. To do this, one must disavow his consciousness, the only part of us capable of bringing the love and peace for which we so deeply yearn.  

Rationalization is rampant. If we try hard enough, we can spin reality in any direction, casting a manufactured positive light on even the darkest of truths. Denial, rejecting the reality of a morally troubling situation, has become second nature to those chasing desired, often materialistic, outcomes.  

Then there is suppression: the deliberate burying of the truth to avoid the discomfort of its awareness. This practice has become so pervasive that it often goes unnoticed.  

Many fall victim to the obfuscation wielded by those in power, leaders and influencers who speak in circles, fabricate narratives, complicate truths, or incite hateful rhetoric, all to obscure the moral implications of their actions.

This is so prevalent in political discourse and media that it’s hard to discern what’s true. The only way to know is by looking deeply within ourselves, into the quiet core of our spirit, where truth is unmistakable.

Unfortunately, it seems those in power have long worked to bury that place within us. They have been disturbingly successful. Amidst the deafening noise, the voice of conscience struggles to be heard.

Although I will never belong to any organized religion, I have always been drawn to the shared foundational teachings of all faiths, while rejecting the divisive dogma that separates them. At their core, all religions value compassion, kindness, and respect for life, regardless of race, education, economic status, or belief systems. No one’s loss should ever be another’s gain. Violence and hatred solve nothing. And yet, here we are. Ironically, religions run by humans who are also motivated by greed, power and the belligerent need to be right, have fueled much of the hatred and violence from which we now suffer.

Do you remember integrity? It’s a quality that the most revered figures in human history possessed in abundance. Integrity demands honesty and truthfulness in every interaction. It embodies respect for others, moral decision-making that avoids harm, and the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions.

Greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, and the lust for power are antithetical to integrity. Though these qualities stem from the human ego’s misguided attempts at self-protection, they must be repudiated at every turn. A person with integrity can always be trusted to act in the best interests of everyone. My heart breaks at the tragic erosion of this essential virtue. How can humanity survive without it?

My goal is not to assign blame or incite hatred toward those with whom I may disagree. Rather, it is to remind us of who we truly are and to inspire a collective effort to regain the integrity required for the survival of our planet and all its inhabitants.

Herein lies the only way to repair the potential catastrophic situation in which we find ourselves.

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